YEAR: 2010
MATERIAL: stickers, oranges
Tatiana Kostanian, Yuchen Shen,
David Ross, jc Yeh
What makes a space into a place? The November 3rd tube strike in London inspired us to think of a way of making a frustrating situation into a better experience for the tube travellers. Keep Clam and Carry On, a slogan been created in 1939 in order to strengthen British morale during World War II, become an incorporation with our urban intervention for the tube strike to encourage positive thinking
The public realm is under strain. While parks and some historic areas show us what a ‘good’ public space might be, the inroads of consumerism and the fear of terrorism mean that the typical public space is something to be endured rather than enjoyed.
-Stephen Hayward
To encourage positive thinking and switch the negative space back to normal, we spread the message by orange on the closed gate. During the intervention, we put the oranges in the gap of the gate and wait for people to participate in when they discovered the strike situation. After all the oranges are gone, the atmosphere has been changed by encouraging sign and fruit with vitamin. Maybe next tube strike will be a good reason for Londoners to Cheer Up and Carry On.